About Us

Now all the information is archived on the Internet. If you have any piece of information you want, you have to dive deep inside. But in the near future, we will be able to bring information from the Internet to the real world and search and experience it more intuitively and visually. Augmented Reality is a key technology that is needed to bring in the necessary information directly to the space or objects of the real world.

Based on our firm belief in the future potential of the Augmented Reality, MAXST has been a source technology holding company that has focused on R&D on one field of Augmented Reality since its establishment in 2010. As a result, we have launched the MAXST AR SDK, which is the only augmented reality software development kit in Korea, which stands side by side with some of the world’s leading SDKs, and provides various solutions and services based on the integrated AR technology.

In the future, Augmented Reality will be a key technology that will be embedded in smart glasses, smart car, and smart home beyond smartphone. MAXST will now take steady steps forward to develop technology that encompasses all areas of augmented reality, creating a better augmented reality world based on clear conviction rather than possibility of augmented reality.

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